Dealing With Stress

Stress is not just some fancy word you use to describe what you feel after a long work week; neither is it a simple sensation you get after that struggle with a flight of stairs. Stress is defined as “a mental, physical or even emotional tension given by different circumstances.” And just like how a rubber band eventually snaps when stretched too much, you also have your own limit.
Most of us cannot prevent stress due to work demands. Maybe your position requires you to interview high-profile people, deal with an unpleasant coworker, or work in a construction site—stress is present in every industry and in every task assigned to you. How, then, should you deal with stress? Here are some tips:
Eat well. By having a balanced diet, your body will be able to sustain the rigors you have to go through everyday. Stress can cause different health problems, so it is best for you to keep fit and eat right. Choose a better snack alternative like fruits if you get the munchies. Apples are said to keep one awake as well, so skip the caffeine.
Take breaks. Workaholics are most likely to experience stress. Take time off, savor your break periods, and learn how to take pause.
Exercise regularly. This is one of the most effective ways to fight stress. Not only do you burn off excess fat and adrenaline, you also strengthen your heart. But always check with your doctor though before starting on your exercise routine.
Get enough sleep. Always strive to get eight hours of sleep. Tiredness is a signal that your body needs to recharge with proper sleep. Sleeping regularly is the only way to regain 100 percent of the energy you need to sustain the succeeding days at work. Caffeinated overnights might do you good for a while, being able to reach deadlines and all, but doing so will surely wear you out—physically and mentally.
Manage your time. Adopt an “I am in charge” attitude rather than having all your paperwork take over your life. Learning proper time management not only helps you counter stress, but also prevents it from happening in the first place. Organize your time so that your workload will not overwhelm you.
Have regular medical checkups. Most of us procrastinate about seeing the doctor because of discomfort, expense and fear of learning that we have some dreaded disease. Nevertheless, this is one chore we must all put up with.
To know more about this topic, BusinessCoach, Inc. conducts an excellent seminar entitled “Stress Management.” Contact (02) 727-5628, (02) 727-8860, (0915) 205-0133 or visit for details.

Click here to view details of the seminar: Stress Management »

*Originally published by the Manila Bulletin. C-4, Sunday, September 14, 2014. Written by Ruben Anlacan, Jr. (President, BusinessCoach, Inc.) All rights reserved. May not be reproduced or copied without express written permission of the copyright holders.