How Communication Skills Training Can Boost Productivity

Whenever there is conflict, the number one reason has always been miscommunication. But beyond the time wasted and damage to morale due to conflicts caused by misunderstanding, there are far more costs brought about by other problems resulting from miscommunication.
There are endless varieties of costly problems due to lack of communication skills. In the field, a salesperson’s mediocre verbal skill will lead to a loss of large amounts of sales. In the factory, an instruction that was misinterpreted can cause errors that could destroy multi-million peso equipment . A manager or entrepreneur who writes confusing memos can create chaos in the company. An employee who continuously commits grammatical and spelling errors can give a poor impression of your company, which may indirectly lead people to doubt the quality of your products and services.
The need for training in communication skills is obvious. But the field of communication is vast and you need to know what areas your employees are weakest in so you can give them priority. To help you in this task, read the partial list of the different types of business communication skills needed below.
Verbal Communication
Public speaking. This type of verbal communication is one of the most indispensable to build leadership qualities. It is when you deliver a speech to a large audience that fear of public speaking is most pronounced. Honing public speaking skills also builds confidence.
Meetings facilitation. In this case, you may either be the leader of the meeting or one of the attendees. Whichever way, it is important to have the ability to communicate your ideas and to control the flow of conversation if you are the organizer.
Conversation. This may be one-on-one or with a very small group. It can also be face-to-face or through the phone, or even via the Internet. The dynamics here is different from a meeting, as it is more personal even though the subject is business related. If face-to-face, there is a need to be more active in listening not only to the words but also to the non-verbal component like body language and personality of the persons involved.
Written Communication
Internal. This form of writing is intended for people in the company. Examples of these are memos, e-mails, reports and documentation.
External. These are written communication for recipients outside the company. Some of the most common are business correspondence and sales letters.
Technical writing. This may be for an internal or external audience, with the intent ion of communicating specialized topics or conveying technical instructions. An example of this is an instruction manual for machinery. Often, the writer works in coordination with an expert on the subject.
In both verbal and written communication, correct grammar is essential to give a respectable impression. Spelling proficiency is an added requirement in written communication.
Communication skills are important for every person, all the more for those in positions that are in contact with customers or are in charge of subordinates.
To know more about this topic, BusinessCoach, Inc., a leading business seminar provider, conducts an excellent seminar entitled “Effective Communication Skills Training.” Contact ( 02 ) 727-5628, (02) 727-8860, (0915) 205-0133 or visit for details.
Click here to view details of the seminar: Effective Communication Skills Training »

*Originally published by the Manila Bulletin. C-4, Sunday, September 30, 2012. Written by Ruben Anlacan, Jr. (President, BusinessCoach, Inc.) All rights reserved. May not be reproduced or copied without express written permission of the copyright holders.